Six Thinking Hats

What I learned

Cory Olson asg-5

I learned that all ways of tackling a problem have merit and offer valid solutions and considerations. When you consider a problem from all perspectives you arrive at a thinking method called The Six Hats Thinking Method. The Six Hats you want to have on your head whilst thinking are Information, Emotion, Judgement, Optimism, Creativity, and Management. I feel I fit most to the Information hat so I picked Dana Scully of the X-Files

Discussion regarding Semester Project


Gather information of history and uses for AI project. Start at a high level and branch out to how AI has developed into its unique paths today.


I am gonna try not to promote a fear based idea of AI. Offer an unbiased look at AI. Including all that AI could be used for.


Creativity is taking things away and not adding things. So I think that having a concise idea of what I am gonna do is really needed.


I have a tendency to stress over projects and not really ever tend to feel accomplished or done. So my girlfriend told me to be optimistic and kind to myself :).


This is the element that will give a wow factor to my project. The person I talked to really liked the idea of the tree and thought I should run with it. I probably won't make it a realistic image of a tree rather just have it be the shape of a tree.


I need to manage my time properly. Set a good and realistic amount of time aside to work on this project and understand that it won't be done in a day. Plan and break the project up into little pieces.

What I learned with sharing

I just learned the more planning I can do in advance the better and more smoothly my project will go. I am definitely gonna start working out a design in Figma before I start coding. That way I can ideate and make changes easiest. With this I can not build from nothing and have a working skeleton of my website.